Chicken and Bacon Quiche Recipe

1 x medium onion chopped 
25 g butter 
2 x large eggs + 1 additional yolk 
10 fl oz double cream (you can also use single if your watching the calories) 
200 g for cooked left over chicken pieces diced (you can use as much or as little chicken as you like just make sure it will fit into your pastry case) 
4-6 rashers of smoked streaky bacon 
1-2 Tomatoes sliced 
Freshly grated nutmeg

1. Heat the butter over a medium heat and soften the onion for around 5 minutes until soft and translucent. 
2. Stir in the cooked chicken and cook gently (uncovered) for about 10 minutes. 
3. Transfer the mixture to your pastry case and arrange evenly throughout the base. 

4. Grill your rashers of bacon and once cooled break up into the mixture. 

5. Beat your eggs in a bowl and add the cream. Season with salt and pepper and a small grating of nutmeg (or a pinch of dried) 
6. Pour the egg mixture into the pastry case and place the sliced tomatoes on the top. 
7. Place on a baking tray into a pre heated medium oven (180 degrees) and cook for 35-40 minutes.

1 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

so tasty, mmm i love this,

1 novembre 2015 à 23:46

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