Heart Shaped Breadsticks

1 packet highly-active yeast
1 1/4 C water, 110 degrees
3 to 3 1/2 C flour
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
2 T olive oil
1/4 C butter, melted
1 T garlic powder

Mix yeast and water in a stand mixer. Let sit about five minutes. Mix in remaining ingredients until it forms into a ball. Only add the extra flour if the dough seems sticky. Place in a greased bowl and cover. Let rise in a really warm place for about 1 hour. *Tip: I preheat the oven to 200 and turn it off. Open the door. When you can touch the racks without burning yourself, you can put the dough in and shut the door to rise.
After an hour, turn dough out onto a board. Roll out into a 9 x 13 rectangle. Cut into eight strips. Move the strips to a sheet pan as you shape into a heart. Gather the ends together and tuck in. Slightly pinch the ends to form the point of the heart. Let rise another 20 minutes in a really warm place.

Preheat the oven to 375. Cook the breadsticks 15 minutes. Mix melted butter and garlic powder together. Brush over the tops of the breadsticks and cook another five minutes.

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