Mediterranean Flatbread Pizza

1 cup whole wheat flour
1 teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons olive oil (see the headnote)
1 tablespoon fresh rosemary leaves (optional)

Pre-heat oven to 450
Put the flour into a bowl; add salt; then slowly add 1 1/2 cups water, whisking to eliminate lumps. Cover with a towel, and let sit while oven heats, or as long as 12 hours. The batter should be about the consistency of thin pancake batter.
When ready to bake, Put the oil in a 12-inch rimmed pizza pan or skillet (along with the rosemary if you’re using it) and put in the heated oven. Wait a couple of minutes for the oil to get hot, but not smoking; the oil is ready when you just start to smell it. Carefully remove the pan, then pour in the batter, and return the skillet to the oven. Bake 30 to 40 minutes, or until the flatbread is well browned, firm, and crisp around the edges. (It will release easily from the pan when it’s done.) Let it rest for a couple minutes before putting on toppings!
1 tub of hummus
1 Packet Herbalife Chicken Soup Mix (optional)
1 bottle of roasted red peppers (you can find these by the pickles in your grocery store)
1 bottle of artichoke hearts (also by the pickles)
1 carton cherry tomatoes
2 to 3 small zucchinis
1 container of crumbled Feta cheese
Cut zucchini into bite size pieces and saute in a fry pan with a tiny bit of olive or coconut oil, just until it begins to look cooked (don't let it get mushy). Then chop up the roasted red peppers and artichoke hearts into small pieces.
Take flatbread and generously smother it with a layer of hummus (mixing in soup mix, like you would pizza sauce). Top the hummus with the red peppers, artichoke hearts, zucchini, tomatoes, and then sprinkle all over with Feta cheese.
Place the pizzas on a cookie sheet and place under the broiler until the tops of the pizzas begin to get toasted. This only take a few minutes so watch it closely.

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