
1/2 cup of raw nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans, coconut, cashews) or roasted peanuts
1/2 cup (loosely packed) of pitted dates
1/2 cup (loosley packed) of another dried fruit (apples, apricots, cherries, pineapple, or more dates)

In a food processor fitted with the steel blade, grind the nuts fine, then tip them into a bowl.
Now grind the fruit until it turns into small clumps, then add the nuts back in and process again until a small handful of the mixture holds together when you squeeze it. (If this never happens, then add in a few more dates; conversely, if the mixture seems too damp, add a few more nuts.)

Tear off four squares of wax paper, then tear them in half to make 8 rectangles.

Divide the mixture into 8 parts by picking up handfuls and squeezing. Squeeze and press some more to form each lump into a rough rectangle, then wrap in the wax paper. I do this the way I would make a burrito: I lay the bar near and parallel to a short side of the rectangle, then fold the long sides in, then roll it all up. Store them in air-tight container in the refrigerator.

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