Wheat payasam recipe

250 gms Broken Wheat
500 gms Jaggery
3 tblsp Ghee
10 gms Raisins
10 gms Cashew Nuts
2 Coconut
5 gms Cardamom
10 gms Dry ginger powder
10 gms Cumin Powder

Grate the coconut. Add 1/2 glass warm water to the grated coconut. Extract the first coconut milk by filtering the mixture of coconut and water.
Extract the second milk by adding 1 1/2 glass warm water. Repeat the process to extract the third milk.
Saute broken wheat lightly in one teaspoon ghee.
Cook the brown wheat in 1 1/2 liters of water.
Add the third milk and the second milk to the wheat and bring to a boil.
Let the mixture thicken to a semi solid consistency then add powdered jaggery.
Finally add the first milk and simmer it for a while.
Season it with fried nut, raisins, powdered cardamom, ginger and cumin.
Stir well and remove from fire immediately.

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