Marshmallow Brownies Recipe

8 oz unsalted butter
5 oz dark chocolate
2 oz cocoa powder
5 oz plain flour
5 eggs, beaten
5 oz small marshmallows (if using large ones cut into half)
500g caster sugar

Melt butter and chocolate, till smooth. Set aside and let cool for 30 minutes. Beat the eggs with a beater, mix in sieved cocoa, sieved flour and sugar. Add the chocolate/butter mix, fold in and mix well ensuring no lumps remain. 

Fold in the marshmallows and pour in a greased & lined 12 baking tin and bake at 190 degrees C on the middle shelf for at least 40-50 minutes or till the surface has set but underneath is still squidgy. (Note the brownies should not rise like a cake.) Cool and then slice and serve.

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