American Sloppy Joes

1 onion chopped
sliced or grated Cheese
500g tube Sourcream
1 clove garlic minced
    2 bell peppers chopped (red is best but green is fine)
    1 tbsp. vegetable or olive oil
    1 pound/kg of lean ground beef (mince)
    2 tsps. chili powder possibly more (or sweetchilli sauce if dont like it to hot)
    2 cups of Pasta sauce (can or jar is fine)
    1 1/4 cup of frozen corn kernels (or other)
    6 - 8 rolls
    Salt and pepper to taste

Add the ground beef, onion, garlic and peppers to a somewhat deep skillet or frying pan, stirring occasionally until the ground beef is cooked.
Add the chili powder, corn and the pasta sauce. Cover and simmer on a low heat setting for 10 minutes.

During the simmering time,butter and toast your buns,slice/ grate cheese.
Season the cooked mix with salt and pepper to taste.

To serve, spoon the meat mixture over the buns with cheese and sourcream!

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